Year 13 student outcome: Library desk unit
This resource gives an example of a stellar student outcome and describes key aspects of the project and assessment opportunities.
Nathan's outcome | Modelling and resourcing | Assessment opportunities
Nathan's outcome
In year 13 students find their own context and issue for their technology projects.
At Nathan's school, the librarian did not have a desk that was fit for purpose. Mrs. Fitzpatrick, who runs the Information Hub, had three desks – all of different sizes. The desks took up unnecessary space and there was only a small area for seating. There was not enough storage space and what was available did not suit the items the librarian needed to store.

The Information Hub needed a new desk to create a better flow in the room, a more efficient workspace, and some floor space to allow seating for visitors to the office. A colour scheme that matched the outer area of the hub would also enhance the space.
Modelling and resourcing

- Nathan showed the librarian existing solutions and asked for feedback on their suitability.
- He used free-hand sketching and 3D modelling using Sketch up to reach agreement on the shape of the final outcome.
- A selection of jointing methods, materials, and finishes for the desk and drawers were shown to the librarian. A mixture of tenon and biscuit joints were chosen on the basis of strength and the time available to complete the project.
- The desk was made out of custom wood with a vinyl laminate applied to the surface. This allowed for easy cleaning.
- Nathan constructed two drawer units to fit under the desk and painted them black to suit the colour of the laminate. Some small secret slide-away shelves were created to fit between the top of the unit and the drawers. The librarian had requested space to stack finished work as she was working, and these shelves were the solution Nathan provided.
Nathan made the desk unit as a gift to the school, and the school paid for the materials. Nathan and his teacher developed quotes and estimates for the materials required. They then discussed the costs with the staff involved with the school’s budgeting for the year, and agreed on a budget that would be suitable for the project.
Assessment opportunities
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