Where Technology can take you

Renee Andrew
School: Fashion Design Technology NCEA Level 3
Tertiary:Bachelor of Design
"With Technology I could take a dream and turn it into a reality – there aren't many subjects that offer that kind of result. At school I learnt an incredible number of new techniques that I now use constantly in my course – and I worked with clients, a skill I will really need in the fashion industry. Fashion design has become my one true passion. I know that one day I'll be working in a creative industry full of amazing opportunities and fascinating experiences."

Jennifer Ryan
School: Information & Communications Technology NCEA Level 3
Tertiary: BSc in Geography and Environmental Studies
Job: Manager Electronic Navigational Chart Production, Land Information NZ
"I enjoyed the 'hands-on' aspect of Technology, using a range of resources. The workload can be substantial – you have to be up for the challenge and committed to hard work. Technology gave me excellent time and resource management skills and the ability to work by myself or as part of a team. It develops analytical decision-makers, and the creative flair for idea development."

Kevin Huang
School: Electronics Technology NCEA Level 3
Tertiary: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics
"I am surprised how much material university lecturers teach relates back to Technology.
The experience I gained from high school gave me a head start.
Technology allows you to look at different ways to do things, develops your thinking and changes your mind-set. It feels like playing, but you are actually learning a lot."

Jesse Merson
School: Technology, English, Maths, Science NCEA Level 3
Tertiary: Diploma in Engineering (Civil)Civil Engineering Cadetship
Job: Projects Engineer, Napier City Council
"English, Maths and Science are really important but Technology adds a practical element that's not present in most subjects and prepares students for real-life situations. My job involves taking a brief through to a finished product. Technology is a good stepping stone to understand the processes and consultation side regardless of what materials you're using. There's a misunderstanding that Technology subjects are easy and a good way to gain credits, but Technology subjects really require you to put the effort in. Just like any job or career, you don't progress without doing the hard work."

Andrew Flack
School: Graphics, Computer Science NCEA Level 3
Tertiary: Diploma in Design Technology
Job: CAD draughtsman, LHT Design
"Technology can lead you on a variety of different paths. One minute I am in the office and the next I can be in a multimillion dollar structure that I helped design. Computer Science gave me the basic knowledge and understanding of how my graphic abilities could be incorporated to use the software I do today. Technology gave me the skills to communicate design ideas through drawings and explore possible solutions to problems that arise."

Chuan-Zheng Lee
School: Electronics and Control, Technology NCEA LEVEL 3
Tertiary: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Job: Signal Processing Engineer, Aviat Networks
"For anyone who likes the idea of designing and making solutions for people, Technology at school is an excellent
place to start. You get a degree of independence in Technology and at the end of each project you can see what you have achieved. I better appreciated what I learnt at university and was introduced to technological problem-solving early."

Jordan Palleson
School: Metal Technology NCEA LEVEL 3
Tertiary: Diploma in Civil Engineering, Opus Cadetship Programme
Job: Civil Engineering Technician, Opus International Consultants
"Technology gave me a good, broad base of technical knowledge and a clear problem-solving thought process that has helped me in various areas of my employment. Sound planning and investigation of any project can greatly increase its efficiency, no matter what field it may be in. Gaining practical knowledge while I've been working has been invaluable."

Sanya Cope
School: Food Technology NCEA Level 2
Tertiary: Bachelor of Technology (Food) with Honours
Job: NPD Technologist, Cerebos Gregg's
"Technology is all about problem-solving and thinking things through, which are valuable attributes for any person, in any job. My teacher recommended Food Technology as an alternative to Design, which was not offered at my school. Technology can be studied alongside subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Maths – then you can tackle problem-solving jobs in an area in which you are interested."

Matt Baird
School: Technology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus NCEA LEVEL 3
Tertiary: Bachelor of Engineering
Job: Mechanical Engineer, Meridian Energy, Twizel
"My other subjects gave me the tools to solve problems. Technology gave me the methods and attitudes to use those tools. Technology at school gave me the opportunity to interact with people, the base to learn complex concepts and developed my ability to convey ideas. These skills are essential for engineering and must be developed and demonstrated throughout university."

Hemi Bennett
School: Digital Technology, NCEA Level 2
Tertiary: Diploma in Computer Studies & Management, Diploma in 3D Computer Design, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Job: Director, AfterDark Design Media
"Technology and computing skills can lead to great opportunities both here and overseas, and are transferable to any career. I was employed as a programmer for Magix Computer Systems after leaving Weltec. I helped develop the National Super and Domestic Purposes and Unemployment Benefits systems, and the cable record system for Telecom. Working in Technology you find it is more about the people and customer service and about how is it going to make life easier."

Levi Martin
School: Applied Technology, Graphics, Information Technology, NCEA Level 2
Tertiary: Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)
Job: Electrical Engineer, Beca
"Technology can and will take you anywhere you want to go – travel, government, new frontiers, the possibilities are endless. Job satisfaction is high and the pay is good. Technology gives the creative, practical, people and decision-making skills to direct your career path. There are no limitations – Technology needs all types of people."

Louisa Sinclair
School: Design, Technology NCEA Level 3
Tertiary: Master of Civil Engineering
Job: Hydraulic Modeller, Dunedin City Council
"Design and Technology led me into a career I enjoy and gave me many skills I still use daily, such as creative thinking, visualisation, planning and using drawings to explain myself. I can think outside the box and I am able to ensure all the projects I work on follow the process of conception to completion. This is a result of the foundation skills I learnt at school."