Technology in the School Journal and Connected

In this section you can find links to School Journal and Connected articles that feature technology content.
Each item includes a summary and discussion starters that link to the technology indicators of progression and where relevant the progress outcomes.
Examples of articles for each strand in the technology learning area
Here are some examples of stories and articles relating to the strands of the technology learning area.
Nature of technology
Characteristics of technology
- "Tupaia: Master Navigator", School Journal, Level 3, August 2019
- "Johnny Pohe and the Great Escape", School Journal, level 4, May 2019
Characteristics of technological outcomes
- “Fake Facts,” Connected, Level 4 – Seeing Beyond, November 2019
- "The Remarkable Reti", School Journal, Level 3, October 2015
Technological knowledge
Technological modelling
- "The House that Dan Built", Connected, Level 2 - Wild Discoveries, November 2019
- “Square Eyes”, Connected, level 3, November 2018
Technological products
- "The Plastic-free Challenge", School Journal, level 2, November 2018
- “South Pacific Beats”, Connected, level 3, November 2018
Technological systems
- "Bright Fine Gold", School Journal, level 3, May 2015
- "Lighting the Sky with Raspberry Pi", Connected, level 2, November 2018
Technological practice
In the technological practice strand the three components are interlinked closely. These journal article examples cover all three components: planning for practice, brief development, and outcome development and evaluation.
If you have a School Journal or Connected you are using in class, use the archive to search by publication date for articles in those issues that can be used for discussion in the technology learning area.
"Johnny Pohe and the Great Escape", School Journal, level 4, May 2019
This article tells the story of an ambitious prison escape that ended tragically for Porokoru Patapu (Johnny) Pohe.
“Iris and Dog Star”, School Journal, level 3, May 2019
This article is based on the diary of Iris Marshall, a ten-year-old girl who sailed on the yacht Dog Star....
"The Striped Invader", School Journal, level 2, May 2019
This article describes the life cycle of a wasp and how the young queen creates her nest.
"Saving the World, One Swipe at a Time", Connected, level 4, November 2018
New ways that digital technologies are being used to tackle the world's problems.
“Listening to the Land”, Connected, level 3, November 2018
A scientist collects mātauranga from iwi and hapū about plants and animals in Aotearoa.
"Animation Creations", Connected, level 2, November 2018
An animator explains how to create your own stop-motion animation movie.
“South Pacific Beats”, Connected, level 3, November 2018
A Wellington designer has made a modern version of the Tongan lali.
"Emotional Robots", Connected, level 4, November 2018
An article on the development of artificial intelligence from a social and ethical perspective.
"Lighting the Sky with Raspberry Pi", Connected, level 2, November 2018
Students create a digital light display using Raspberry Pi.
"Science on the Ice", School Journal, level 4, November 2018
Neil Silverwood, a photographer, describes his trip to Antarctica to document the set-up for a science project.