"Saving the World, One Swipe at a Time", Connected, level 4, November 2018
27 November 2018

Digital technologies have unlocked new ways to tackle some of the world’s biggest problems. Three kiwi companies are at the forefront.
You can find the story and the teaching notes here: Saving the World, One Swipe at a Time, Connected, level 4, November 2018
Other useful resources
Examples of New Zealand technology students who have developed digital technology solutions to problems they recognised:
- A monitoring system for Orokonui Sanctuary
- Orokonui Ecosanctuary – William Satterthwaite developed a monitoring system to alert volunteers that a gate had been left open at the Orokonui Sanctuary in Dunedin.
- Automated dispenser engages student in scholarship – Nathan James developed an automated dispensing system for bulk bins to improve customers' buying experience.
- Brain-computer interface advances improve prosthetics, therapies – This article summarises some of the recent advances in connecting neural stimulation to physical control in the development of prosthetics and therapeutic training for people with disabilities.
Discussion questions
These could include:
- Read Part 1: Thoughtful technology. Which of the human senses does the technology developed by Dmitry return to people with physical disabilities? What are some other possibilities where digital technologies may assist the return of senses to people with disabilities?
- Choose one of the three companies:
- Write a conceptual statement for the product that identifies the nature of the outcome and why such an outcome should be developed.
- What are the key attributes for the product to evaluate that it is fit for purpose?
- Examine and debate the innovative technology that resulted in new possibilities. Identify the creative and critical thinking behind the innovation.
- Identify the knowledge and skills that have informed initial design decisions and on-going manufacturing of the product. What knowledge do you think is technological knowledge and what is knowledge drawn from other disciplines (for example, science, mathematics, social sciences).
Indicators of progression for discussion starters
Component | Indicator | Level |
Characteristics of technology |
| 4 |
Brief development |
| 4 |