
Simply delicious poster.
With the EasiYo system being unique, the marketing team has invested in promotional activities which demonstrate how the system works. They sell at Home and Food shows in New Zealand and overseas, where customers can see how it's done and ask questions. Promoting EasiYo through the home-shopping channel QVC had proved successful in the UK, so when the company sought to establish itself in continental Europe it used the same strategy. The EasiYo system was launched on QVC Italy in 2010 and resulted in such an enthusiastic uptake that after only 19 months EasiYo Italian sales had exceeded €1.8 million
In promoting its products internationally, EasiYo emphasises its other point of difference – that the milk comes from New Zealand, a country with a reputation for good-quality dairy products. EasiYo advertising features the green paddocks of Westland and notes that the cows which produce its main ingredient are grass-fed and hormone-free. With food safety an important issue in some countries, EasiYo includes information on its website to reassure international consumers that its products comply with New Zealand food standards.
The EasiYo dried-food products are still packaged in foil, although the design has changed over the years to keep it looking 'fresh'. The company plans to review its packaging shortly with the possibility of rebranding and revamping their look. With an eye to the future, EasiYo has changed the packaging for the UK/Italian market and now includes packs with information in Spanish, French and German. Products sent to the USA have different packaging because measurements and legal requirements for ingredient panels, etc are quite different in that country.