Technology unit planner
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Technology unit planner (Word, 50 KB)
The version of the planner presented below has explanatory descriptions included within the location they are describing. The original word document (download above) includes the descriptions after the tables, which can be filled in according to your need.
Unit Title: Year Group: Duration: | |||
KEY COMPETENCIES Identify key competencies of particular relevance to this unit of work. Learning experiences should be developed to provide opportunity for students to use and enhance these competencies in their work. |
CLASS DESCRIPTION/Students' Past Experiences In this section information available that is relevant to this unit regarding students' prior experiences and/or interests should be noted. It is also the place that a summary of the students' current level of achievement in terms of the technology components being focussed on as based on previous units should be noted. |
VALUES Identify values of particular relevance to this unit of work. Learning experiences should be developed to provide opportunity for students to explore and enhance these values in their work. |
CROSS CURRICULUM LINKS Identify other curriculum areas of particular relevance to this unit of work. Opportunities should be made during learning experiences to facilitate these links. |
KEY FOCUS: Component/s of Technology underpinning unit The technology curriculum component/s being focussed on in this unit should be identified here. These will then be developed into curriculum-driven, predetermined learning outcomes and ultimately used to report on student progression as related to the achievement objectives. Learning experiences will be developed in keeping with these foci, alongside that indentified in the context specific foci, and subsequent negotiated learning opportunities. |
KEY FOCUS: Context-specific skills/knowledge The key skill and/or knowledge critical for student success as part of this unit should be identified here. These will then be developed into context driven predetermined learning outcomes. Learning experiences will be developed in keeping with these foci, alongside that indentified in the curriculum foci, and subsequent negotiated learning opportunities. | LEARNING ENVIRONMENT CONSIDERATIONS | |
SAFETY ISSUES (Refer to MOE Revised Health & Safety Guidelines) Note down any potential safety issues and how these can be addressed. The MoE Revised Health & Safety Guidelines will provide support in this area. Learning experiences developed should seek to address these safety issues and work to mitigate risks identified. |
TERMINOLOGY embedded within component focus The key words that students should be familiar with by the end of this unit in relation to the identified components. Learning experiences should be developed to provide opportunity for students to explore these terms and employ them in their work. |
TERMINOLOGY of specific skills/knowledge Note down key words that students should be familiar with by the end of this unit in relation to the identified context specific skills and knowledge. Learning experiences should be developed to provide opportunity for students to explore these terms and employ them in their work. |
RESOURCES REQUIRED Identify human and physical resources that will be required in this unit and note these alongside learning experiences to ensure they are available as appropriate. |
Specific Learning Outcomes – both curriculum and context driven should be noted here. These should be clear statements of what you expect the student to know or be able to do. | Statements to be used for making judgements on student achievement in relation to the specific learning outcomes. These should be used both formatively (to enhance learning during the unit delivery) and summatively (to make judgements on student achievement at the end of the unit). For curriculum driven learning outcomes these can be levelled as per the Indicators of Progression relevant to each component. | Possible strategies for gathering information on students in terms of the specific learning outcomes – strategies should support both formative and summative assessmentpurposes and will be matched with learning experiences focussed on the learning outcome as they occur throughout the unit. |
Class, group or individual student specific learning outcomes should be noted here. At the planning stage of the unit this will be blank. However, as the unit progresses and opportunities for negotiated learning outcomes arise, this section can be completed to ensure additional learning experiences are developed and incorporated in to the delivery to support the class, group of students or individual students as appropriate. |
This provides opportunity for recording an overview of the planned learning experiences (including teacher interactions) that students will be provided with throughout the unit. In developing these experiences teachers should take guidance from the Learning Environment indicators in the Indicators of Progression. The experiences should be developed to ensure that opportunity is provided to allow students to meet the predetermined specific learning outcomes and links to key competencies, values and other curriculum knowledge and/or skills should be made as appropriate. Strategies to gather assessment data for different learning outcomes can also be included in appropriate places throughout the unit. | These indicate the specific learning intention or key purpose of the learning experience. These may relate to one or more learning outcomes, the key competencies, values or other curriculum knowledge and/or skills. | Use this column to ensure required resources are sourced and available as needed. | Clear links should be made to show how the block of learning experiences relate to the predetermined learning outcomes of the unit. |