Strengthening digital technologies | hangarau matihiko

In this section you can:
- find resources and ideas to support digital technologies | hangarau matihiko
- learn about how students, teachers, schools, parents, and communities engaged with digital technologies | hangarau matihiko projects.
Learning with the internet of things in primary and secondary
Students in Dunedin primary, intermediate, and secondary schools participate in a programme in which they apply computational thinking skills to their own projects – solving real world problems.

Ruapehu College Tech Hub: Partnering with local iwi and sharing expectations
Three videos highlight the collaboration between Ruapehu College and Ngāti Rangi Trust in creating a "Tech Hub" and student profiles for digital technologies.
Strengthening engagement with kura and whānau – a consultative approach
Facilitators, researchers, and four kura piloted a successful consultative approach to learning about digital technologies – with facilitation in te reo Māori.
Computational thinking unplugged
This project developed resources to support teaching computational thinking through engaging games and puzzles.
Learning digital technologies in years 6–9 with Raspberry Pi
A digital technology specialist worked with teachers at six schools to provide teaching and learning about digital technology using Raspberry Pi.
iNVENTIONATOR17: An industry incubator event for students
Industry, professional development specialists, teachers, and students worked together to foster student collaboration and innovation.
Sharing quality teaching and learning in digital technologies
This project aimed to ensure students in low socio-economic areas have opportunities to learn about digital technologies.
Learning about digital technologies online
Courses following a narrative format aim to build engaging contexts and effective learning within the developing digital technologies curriculum.
Hands on learning using electronic kits
The STEAMS Kit is a programmable electronics kit for teaching and learning in schools.