"The Possum Problem", School Journal, level 3, August 2017
21 August 2017

Possums were introduced to New Zealand in 1837 as there were no animals that could be hunted for fur. Possums are still hunted for fur but they also destroy our native forests and birds.
You can find article on Literacy Online: "The Possum Problem", School Journal, level 3, August 2017.
Other useful resources
Fur clothing history – a brief introduction
This blog is by Untamed, a New Zealand company that makes fur clothing, homeware, and accessories. It discusses the history of fur clothing. -
About Woolyarns
New Zealand company, Woolyarns, makes fibre that is a blend of wool and possum fur.
Discussion starters
Some of your students may be involved in possum trapping and fur collection initiatives in their communities so they might like to bring possum fur or a cured skin for the class to explore. Some students may have clothing made from possum fur.
Discussion questions
Discussion questions for your students could include:
- What are the performance properties of fur?
- How can possum fur be manipulated to make clothing, accessories, or homeware? (For example, it can be spun together with wool and the resulting fibre knitted into garments.)
- What are the subjective properties of possum fur? What are the objective properties of possum fur?
Note that subjective measurement is reliant on people’s perception (for example, tasty, evokes a sense of natural beauty, warm and inviting) whereas objective measurement is not (for example, conductivity, UV resistance).
- Explore products made from possum fur. How do the properties of the possum fur combine to make the product both technically feasible and socially acceptable?
Note that the fitness for purpose of a product relies on the material providing appropriate performance properties to ensure the product is technically feasible and acceptable (safe, ethical, environmentally friendly, economically viable, and so on, as appropriate to particular products).
Indicators of progression for discussion starters
Component | Indicator | Level |
Technological products |
| 2 |
Technological products |
| 3 |