"The Mysterious Stones of Tonga", School Journal, level 2, August 2017
21 August 2017

In this article, Dr ʻAna Maui Taufeʻulungaki describes and discusses an unusual stone monument, Haʻamonga ʻa Maui (the Burden of Maui), which stands near the village of Niutōua in Tonga.
You can find the article, the teacher support materials, and the recorded interview on Literacy Online: "The Mysterious Stones of Tonga ", School Journal, Level 2, August 2017.
Other useful resources
Students could research the monuments suggested below and/or investigate monuments in their communities.
Giant LEGO monuments come to Boise’s mall
Some monuments were built from Lego to encourage shoppers to come to a mall. -
Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial
Find information and a virtual tour of the monument that was opened in Christchurch in February 2017. -
Gisborne Cenotaph restoration
The Gisborne Cenotaph was restored for the WW1 commemorations. In 2007, an earthquake dislocated the upper shaft of the cenotaph.
Discussion questions
These could include:
- What is the purpose of these different monuments?
- Who uses these monuments?
- What are some of the important physical (what it looks like) and functional attributes (what it does) of these monuments? (See the design process for the Canterbury Memorial wall for information on physical and functional attributes.)
- Choose a monument and describe the relationship between the physical and functional attributes. (For example, the Christchurch Memorial wall needed to provide a space for civic events each year. The walkway and sitting space were designed to meet this attribute.)
- What materials are used in the monument?
- What are the performance properties of the materials used in the monument? (for example, weather resistant, flexible, colour, and so on)
- Why do you think that these materials were selected for this monument?
- How have they manipulated the materials to make the monument? (for example, shaping, joining)
Indicators of progression for discussion starters
Component | Indicator | Level |
Characteristics of technology |
| 1 |
Characteristics of technological outcomes |
| 1 |
Technological products |
| 1 |
Characteristics of technology |
| 2 |
Characteristics of technological outcomes |
| 2 |
Technological products |
| 2 |